I am Aseem Deodhar. I am a Transportation Planner at the IBI Group.
I am experienced in, and passionate about civic technology and its applications in transportation, housing studies, urban & regional planning, and infrastructure design. Here, you can see these interests combine and display themselves through academic, professional, as well as personal projects. I am always looking for advice on, and to collaborate with others on my personal research projects.
I graduated with a Master of Science in Urban Informatics from Northeastern University in May 2020, and also holds an undergraduate degree in Architecture from the University of Pune.
He is passionate about civic technology, urban & regional planning, and data science, and has nearly four years of experience working with city and state agencies across the world on a wide range of public issues.
I love to ride my bike across the region I live in, and you can see a documentation of my trips on my travel blog ride351ma.bike
I built this website (and my blog!) using the {blogdown}
package with Rmarkdown.
You can do it too!
MS in Urban Informatics - Urban Innovators Scholarship, 2020
Northeastern University
Bachelor of Architecture, 2016
The University of Pune
Filter through to see a selection of my academic, professional and personal research work.
Automate ETL pipelines to process the 2020 Census and 1 & 5 year ACS (American Community Survey) data, and CHAS Housing Survey data to be more human readable for planners and the general public to use in their work. DataCommon
Assist analysts and researchers in the MAPC’s Data Services department by utilizing various data wrangling and analysis tools such as R, Python, GIS software etc. to develop insights for various urban and regional planning issues in Metro Boston.
Contributed spatial and statistical analyses to MAPC’s recommendations on Section 3A of the Massachusetts Zoning Act to support the development of transit oriented multifamily housing development in Greater Boston.
Developed and periodically maintain the {mapcdatakeys} R-package to have standardized geographic keys and crosswalks for various geographic levels in Massachusetts such as municipalities, census tracts, blocks, and block groups.
Developed the {mortgager} R-package to calculate costs related to home-ownership for MassHousing’s Commonwealth Builder attainable home-ownership program.
Respond to various data engineering and analysis requests from planners in other departments such as transportation, public health, housing, and economic development.
Presented mapping and data visualization techniques to students in the Big Data for Cities class (PPUA 5262) at Northeastern University in Spring 2021, and Fall 2021.
Using ArcGIS, R, AutoCAD & Sketchup developed a ‘Covid-19 Safety Index’ for sidewalks in the City of Boston, to develop insights on sidewalk carrying capacity across Boston neighborhoods. Created an entire ‘Data to Design’ product by creating urban design solutions based on the Safety Index for 4 distinct urban morphological typologies within the City of Boston.
Developed an index to identify vulnerable communities in Massachusetts sharply affected by unemployment and health disadvantages due to the coronavirus (covid-19) crisis
(keywords: index creation, spatial analysis, time series, product management)
Using R and Adobe Illustrator, created visualizations of insights on pedestrian and bicycle crash data sourced from the MassDOT IMPACT crash portal to present to the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board.
Assist analysts in the OPMI (Office of Performance Management and Innovation) by writing R-scripts to contribute transit data insights to the MassDOT Tracker performance report.
Developing a SQL integrated R-script to compare transit trips with equivalent single-occupancy car trips measuring CO2 emissions, time taken, and miles traveled. Sourced data from transit planning and revenue department databases.
Using R and graphic layout software, created visualizations of insights on pedestrian and bicycle crash data sourced from the MassDOT IMPACT crash portal to present to the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
(keywords: data visualization, script integration, time series, proximity analysis)
Analyzed origin-destination data from the Transit App and vehicle position data from MBTA GTFS feeds, to predict route and mode preferences of commuters across the network.
Identify existing and develop new transit corridors between essential workers’ homes and work location for swift, isolated movement during pandemics. developed in the wake of the current Covid-19 crisis
(keywords: database management, proprietary API handling, movement analysis)